
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Endless Mischief

So far I'm down 8 pounds. Rockin!

I finished my chairs today, I'll take a picture tomorrow when the light is good and post it. I'm thinking of making some cushions for them - then they'll be just perfect.

I spent the day hanging out with Colby and Brandon. We put the coffee table in front of the tv, but he was undeterred from playing with the buttons. I'm using masking tape to keep the photo albums in place - I'm sure that won't last long. It's so funny that when you have a baby you encourage them to reach all those milestones, walking, exploring, eating, but then when they accomplish these things and use them for mischeif, you scratch your head and wonder why you encouraged them so much. I did teach Colby how to spin in circles today, which was highly entertaining! He looked cute spinning around and watching him discover that spinning makes you dizzy was funny too. Luckily, he didn't hit anything hard with his head. Maybe teaching him to spin wasn't such a good idea. Yesterday I made him little potato cakes to eat (think hash browns, but cakes). He really liked them, but I thought they were too greasy/unhealthy, so I don't think I'll make them again. Today I made him a strawberry salad. It looks yummy. We'll try it tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes. I have supplies to make pancakes, maybe I'll try that tomorrow too. So far it's a no-go on the chocolate periflex. I might have to gradually add it to his formula so he has some variety, though he seems to enjoy the unflavored.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie! Congrats on the weight loss! I can't wait to have you and Colby come up this weekend. This past weekend was too short for me so I'm ready for another one.
