
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Extra Long Entry

Okay so my dad accused me of being lazy when it comes to my blog........ he's right! I haven't posted in forever! I've been too lazy to walk into the other room and get on my super ancient computer to type a blog entry for which I'm really sorry everyone! Now if you could talk Brandon into letting my buy a new laptop, I'd post all the time. So call Brandon and tell him I need a new laptop :-) And yes - I've tried to get the old one fixed, but it seems like that's a lost cause.

Oh, and the other reason I didn't blog for a while was because I was sick for a little while. I had a fever of over 101 for like two and a half days. I don't know what was wrong with me, but my fever broke on the Sunday before last, so I decided not to go to the doctor. What would I say? "Uh, I had a fever yesterday?" Lame. That weekend Brandon was working and Colby wen a little crazy while I was laying on the couch feeling pathetic. Colby shredded something made of paper all over the floor (who knows what!) and his toys were everywhere. Thank goodness he didn't get what I had, though. He would have been a really cranky baby if he had.

After I started feeling better I decided to read a book. Before I got sick I read The Skystone by Jack Whyte. If you like King Arthur legends, I highly recommend the Camulod Cronicles by Jack Whyte. It puts the Arthur legends into the realm of possibility by starting with Arthur's grandparents and the fall of Rome (which I also find interesting, so it's of double interest to me). After I was sick I decided to read Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. I think I'm pretty open-minded about books, but I didn't really like this novel. It was too intellectual. I know you're asking yourself how a vampire novel can be intellectual, but let me tell you, it can. And I'm sorry, but I don't really care about the philosophy surrounding being a vampire, I just want to read a good story. For a while in the story, nothing even happened! And I hated the ending. Right now I'm reading a book about all the lies I learned in American History class. It's super interesting to learn the truth about Christopher Columbus (came to the new world to get rich and ended up starting the slave trade), the Pilgrims (went to Plymoth on purpose and found the Indians decimated by the plague when they landed), the first Thanksgiving (wasn't created until the 1800's), American Indians and racism. It's a slow read, but really thought-provoking.

This past weekend was really good. Brandon and I went on our monthly date. We went to Olive Garden and then to see the Time Traveller's Wife. It was pretty good movie - It was what I expected. And Brandon was a trooper for going to see a chick flick with me. I didn't cry watching this movie (the director let us know what was going to happen long before it happened), but apparently some people took it hard. There was sobbing at the end from the back of the theater - Brandon looked at each other and laughed.

This week I'm going to school for a couple of days. I have to do two flex days before Monday, so I decided I'd go on the two days that Brandon is off. Monday is when we start back for real...sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky, I've been back since the 12th! Glad you are feeling better too.
