
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day Off!!

Yesterday I had the day off so I took Colby to daycare and cleaned house. It sort of looked like a mini tornado had spun through our house and it was in desperate need of cleaning. I vaccumed, I tossed trash, I sorted recycling, I did laundry, I potted two plants and I took the leaf out of the dining room table to make our kitchen and dining room feel bigger. I was able to do all this and find some time to blog, surf the net and was awesome! And I love Colby, but I wouldn't have been able to do this if he was home. He's like a mini tornado all by himself!

Speaking of Colby...I think he's starting the terrible two's early. He's fussing A LOT and testing the boundries ALL THE TIME. He wants to do everything his way and only his way and it's terribly frustrating. I love it when his face lights up with a smile, but I hate it when he's screaming in my ear.

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