
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Financial Goals

I just want to tell everyone, that Brandon and I rock! If you read my blog regularly, you might assume that we don't really have any serious problems, but one of our moderate problems last year was money. We weren't saving, we were spending more than we make and it was starting to make us seriously nervous. So this year we set some goals, so here are the goals with a quick how we're doing.

1. Only spend $100 a week at Walmart for groceries - I think we're not doing too bad, but really who can only spend $100 at Walmart, especially when you're trying to eat healthy. I think I may have to up this to $125 so I can be a little more realistic.

2. Do not let food spoil in the fridge - We were notorious for letting things spoil, especially meat. So far we are acheiving this with no problems :-)

2.1 Eat more meals at home - Doing good. We haven't been out to eat at all this month, except for me taking Colby to Cracker Barrell last night. What can I say? :-)

3. Take lunch to work - Now I was already doing this. I almost never buy lunch, but that was another story for Brandon. He's doing really good so far and anything he buys while on the beat I'm O.K. with, after all, his job is really unpredictable and stressful.

4. Save $300 a month and increase to $500 afte the RAV4 is payed off - I was really nervous about this because since I'm taking classes at Radford ($280 a month in Jan, Feb, and Mar) I wasn't sure I'd be able to do this or not, but I guess I've cut other spending enough that I was able to transfer $300 into our savings account yesterday and go out and buy tennis shoes and black dress shoes I desperately needed (I'd held out so long on buying new black dress shoes that I was afraid the heals were going to break off my old ones)!!

Yay for Brandon and I!!

Weight Loss: 6 pounds and considering adding Alli, but will probably give it another week before I do that.


  1. Julie, Be really careful with Alli ladies at work have done it and without posting TMI let's just say they had to carry around an extra pair of a certain undergarment!!!!! They stopped that stuff real quick....

  2. Yeah, I've heard about side affects. I have tried alli before and it worked out with no accidents. The lit that comes with alli says that you shouldn't go over the recommended fat intake, otherwise you will need extra undergarments!! Thanks for the warning!
