
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bite Log Again

Well, I had to sign the bite log again today. Colby's been doing really good at him. He pressed his lips up against my arm a couple of times without biting this evening, but it seems at daycare he forgets that he's not supposed to bite. At least today's bite was over a book. I can deal with that :-)

So the new laptop is awesome, but I can't figure out how to get my iTunes songs off of my other laptop and onto the new one - I'm still working on it. I love how fast the new one is. It is astounding sometimes.

This week at school we've been doing the writing SOL's for the 11th Graders. Of course my 3rd block doesn't seem to understand that they need to be quiet while students are writing their essays. Even with six or seven absent students, I had to send out two students because they wouldn't stop talking. Sometimes it's really frustrating to deal with high schoolers, especially the ones I deal with regularly. At home they don't get taught manners, they don't have male role models and they don't have a lot of respect for women. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job, especially when the light turns on or they're interested in what we're doing, but sometimes they just wear me out. I think we just all need a break. We haven't had a break since Labor day and won't get one until Nov. 2 when we have an early release. Students are getting on their teachers' nerves and each others' nerves. The other day it just felt like negative feelings were just building and today the dam just broke and we had two major fights (one involving lots of blood). You'd think that with all these kids out with swine flu it would be calmer, but you'd be wrong.

But...guess what? It's almost Friday, which means it's almost the weekend! Yay!

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