
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Not Feeling Well, But the Show Goes On

I'm not feeling well at all. Yesterday my nose was so runny that I wanted to just put a cotton ball up there. Today I'm so clogged that I don't even feel like my head is connected to my body. But life goes on. This morning I got up and made some fudge to take to school. I was at school for two blocks plus lunch - I graded papers (caught two plaigarizers), I updated grades, I ate a delicious lunch (the English teachers had a Halloween potluck) and I got my 3rd Block started before leaving to take Colby to his doctors appointment in Roanoke. The doctors appointment was pretty uneventful. He got the flu shot (not the swine flu shot) and was sort of cranky about riding in the car for two hours, but not bad. We came home chilled for a little while before I put on his Halloween costume to head down the downtown Radford. They have a downtown trick-or-treat. My church had an entire parking lot of games and such, so we went down to say hi to everyone. We didn't get any treats mostly because Colby doesn't care and I don't want any candy around here. I just wanted to dress him up and take him out. If you can't tell in the picture, he was a dragon :-) We came home and just hung out after that. He was pretty peaceful and when it was time to go to bed, he went without a fuss. Not bad for not feeling well.

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