
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today was crazy from start to finish. Colby was really cranky this morning. He kept crying and wanting to be picked up and was like "I need to make my lunch!" I'm good, but I'm not that good - I can't put wheat thins in a bag with one hand. The day kept on like that. My kids had research papers due today so I heard "I'm not done!" and "How do I do a bibliography?" It's not like we haven't been working on them since the beginning of October and we've been over bibliography about 3 million times! When I started reading said research papers they were abismal. On one paper all I wrote was "What is this?!" because it clearly wasn't a research paper. On another paper after he explained for the second time where Jamaica is I wrote "I KNOW WHERE JAMAICA IS!!!!!" I also caught two official plaigarizers. Awesome. Then when Colby and I got home he continued to fuss and throw peas on the floor. We somehow made it to parenting class and he was okay there, but when we got home it was full on tantrum time. We had barely walked through the door and he was on the floor face down screaming. He didn't want to change his diaper, he didn't want to put on his pjs and he didn't want to stay still for either. As I speak, I'm glad to be on the couch not listening to anything but a rerun of NCIS.

Oh. I've started watching the HBO series TruBlood. One of the English teachers loaned it to me. Let me just say that HBO certainly operates by different rules and I don't think I'm missing anything by not having it. I like the show alright, but I could do without the graphic content.