
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Busy, Busy

It seems like I've had a lot of stuff going on lately. On Sunday we celebrated Brandon's grandmother's 90th birthday. On Monday I had class. Last night we had Bible study. Tonight I had to go to Walmart because there wasn't a thing in the world to eat tonight. Also I finally mailed our taxes so maybe we can get our sweet return soon. I also feel like the everything in the future is going to be busy. Colby has pictures on Friday and I have a ladies night to go to, Sunday we're eating lunch with friends, next week we go to our super long schedule at school, Brandon and Lindsey's birthdays are on St. Patricks Day, the first week of April is Easter so I'm going to visit my family and the weekend after that is Colby's birthday...whew!! It's crazy busy!

Oh, and I just found out that our super long days only add up to 3 school days and I'm supposed to stay until 5:10 on Mondays. I'm not staying until 5:10 - I have class at 6:30. An hour and 20 minutes is not enough time to pick up Colby, go home, eat dinner and then drive to class. I can't be done.

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