
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Forking Some Oranges

Today I had to stay at school until 8p.m. for parent/teacher conferences. Conferences are such a waste of time for us, though I wish they weren't. I wish I had so many parents that I had to beat them back with a stick, but for some reason parents think that when their children go to high school that they don't need to be as involved. If anything, I think parents need to be MORE involved. I also think that the lack of parents coming to conferences is an indication of how uncaring parents are right now. A lot of my kids from home lives that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy and it's sad. I feel sorry for kids whose parents can't spend twenty minutes at school talking to teachers.

In other news, Colby is back in the bite log, though I think this time he was hungry and wanted his snack. Colby also came to school for bit to eat dinner and the teachers were impressed by his fork using ability, he can spear an orange like it's nobody's business.

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