
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When I walked out of school today I rejoiced because the sky was blue and spring was definately on it's way. I've had a really runny nose...but that's just a reminder that flowers will be blooming all summer and the temps will get higher. After a winter where we literally spent a month below freezing, I'll be ecstatic to see temps in the eighties and ninties. The only thing that made me cringe was the fact that tomorrow I'll have to be in my windowless room attempting to teach to teenagers who don't listen. Maybe if I texted them they'd process what I'm telling them? I don't question the path I've choosen often, but today I was honestly fighting back tears of sheer frustration. We're reading a play that is in normal language, language that normal southwest Virginian's speak actually! It's got plenty of conflict between the characters and it's sarcastically funny at times and we go over everything as it happens, yet I still hear "I don't get it" and "this is stupid" and "who is _____ (insert character name)" and "what's going on in this play". ARGH!!! I feel like screaming at them to pay attention and suck it up. We're also working on research papers, which is probably the tenth level of hell. You know they make t-shirts that say "What level of hell is this?" I think I'll buy one for the times we're in the computer lab and they complain that they can't find any research (they're researching major historical events!!) and they don't know what to write down for their works cited. Sorry to be a bit of a downer today, but sometimes I have to vent!

Oh, and I changed the settings on my blog so anyone can post a comment, not just other people who have blogs, so feel free to tell me to suck it up and enjoy the weather!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's called Spring Fever, I have a lot of students being diagnosed with it!
