
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pups Still Missing

Well, the dogs are still missing. I've done everything I can think of to find them short of going door to door. I'm pretty bummed. I look out in the back yard and I expect Brandy to be there, but she's not :-( I miss that pup. I feel like someone has picked them up and they aren't making any effort to return them. I figured someone would call animal control if they found two dogs with collars that looked well taken care of. But I guess all people aren't as good as others.

Well, this past weekend Brandon had his ten year high school reunion. I think Brandon was bummed because most of his good friends from high school weren't there, but it was interesting to see a group of people ten years older and see how they've ended up. Apparently some haven't grown up much judging by the amount of drinking and white boy dancing going on. But I really enjoyed the was like a weird trip down memory lane. It sort of made me interested in going to my own reunion, but I won't be going since Brandon is working. That's okay though. I'm sort of like Lindsey - I don't appreciate people who never cared a lick about me in high school acting all nicey nice well after the fact. It's not genuine and it's iritating. Maybe by my twenty year I'll be over it.

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