
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Almost Felt Like Fall

It has been a most glorious day today! It almost felt like fall with the cooler temperatures and the low humidity. I swear the sky looked less hazy. I'd like to say that I really got out there and enjoyed it, but aside from taking Colby to the park and planting some bulbs before putting down mulch, I didn't do too much enjoying. I napped all afternoon after planting and started reading a new book - a new young adult book that gives an interesting take on werewolves. I think I'm unsatisfied because it's almost just like Twilight except the heroine is admirable and the overall plot isn't all the different, just the details are different. I don't know, maybe there will be some sort of twist to it, who knows!

1 comment:

  1. Is that the Wolves of Mercy Falls series? Shiver, Linger etc.? I've wondered if I would like those or not...every time I've looked at the book in the store they just haven't peaked my interest. Have you read Maze Runner? It's another YA book, and I'm looking forward to the 2nd one coming out. I'm still working on Mockingjay, I'm almost done I'm 2/3rds through it.
