
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In Other News...

So I haven't blogged since last week...mostly because I didn't want to blog about the football game on Saturday. I was really excited to go to the game. You always expect something good on a home opener against an unranked team, but unfortunately my expectations were not met. First of all it rained the entire game. That wasn't so bad because we had ponchos with us courtesy Brandon's mom. My shoes, socks and butt were the only parts of me that got wet. Other people were stupid and didn't bring anything with them to keep themselves dry like some girl wearing shorty shorts and a tank top...not smart! Then the Hokies JMU...yeah...JMU. Unfortunately the highlight of the game was the stupid JMU student who tried to rush the field. He jumped over the rail, lost a flip flop, somehow cut his ankle and he got grabbed and forcibly removed by a sheriff. That's pretty sad that, that was the highlight of my game. Oh well, it only football. VT has plenty of other things going for it, but right now lots of Hokie fans are just miffed that in two games we went from ranked 10th to not even in the top 25.

On another note school is going well. I sort of wished someone would come by and take a peek in my classroom during 1st and 4th blocks. My kids were on task working on a group project to prepare themselves for their test on Thursday. I felt like super teacher...but alas no one was there to witness it.

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