
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Craziness and more Craziness

I had a very scary experience yesterday when I went to Walmart (no...I didn't have to wait in line for 3 years nor did I see anything gross). I was talking to Brandon on the phone as I was walking in. All the sudden I heard a thud and looked up just in time to see a woman flying off the hood of a car. I was like "Holy $*%! I'll call you back!" I hung up and made the first 911 call of my entire life. The woman who got hit was a Walmart employee. She was really shaken up, but I think her only real injury was her ankle. The woman who hit her failed to look left again before she turned. I couldn't tell if she was a Radford student or not, but best guess she was. When all the managers started rushing out and I heard sirens I excused myself because the crowd was getting crazy. I hope she's okay, though.

On a more positive note I'm really excited about tomorrow. At the Tech game last Saturday I stopped to say hi to one of the ladies who runs a concession stand at the stadium who I used to work with in Covington. While working up there she asked me to help with concessions a couple of times so when she saw me last Saturday she asked for my phone number again just in case she needed extra help this season. Well she called me yesterday to see if I wanted to work and I was thrilled! It's a lot of fun working concessions there. I can occasionally see the jumbotron and listen to the game, plus I keep my math skills sharp and get to earn a bit of money. It's fun times! I got a sitter to watch Colby for a couple hours, which is a little nerve racking because it's the first time I've left Colby at home with a stranger, but the girl goes to my church and may have kept Colby in the nursery before. She's going to watch him until he goes down for a nap and then she can go...Brandon will be home napping anyway and should be able to handle it after Colby wakes up until I get home.

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