
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Computer Woes

I killed my computer. I was sitting on the couch with it in my lap and Colby started peeing on the couch (the joys of potty-training). I hastily set the computer aside and when I turned around, the computer fell off the couch right on the power cord. That pushed the power jack into the computer. I didn't think that was a big deal. I thought it could be an easy fix so I took the computer apart in an attempt to fix it. I learned how to take apart my computer, but I could figure out how to fix it. Next step I called Best Buy. Best Buy says that it will cost $100 to send if off and then it might be a one or two hundred dollar fix. I was like 'what!' I called a local repair shop and they wouldn't even touch it. I called Gateway and they said it would be $199 to fix it, but they needed the stupid serial number which I could not locate. Then I start wondering if I even want to get this computer fixed. I don't like it - it shuts off at the most inopportune times and doesn't like to have flash drives, mice or printer cords plugged into it. Plus it has the dreaded Vista on it. At the moment we're borrowing Mary Lee's spare computer until we decide what to do. The most annoying thing is my big paper that was due on Friday and the reflection paper that was due on Saturday was on that computer. Thankfully I have some understanding professors and it isn't a big deal to turn things in late.

In other news Brandon might be going to Alabama for 10 day to assist in keeping the peace in the tornado areas. I'm nervous about being the only one to take care of Colby for ten days. I'm afraid I'll get sick of it and get short-tempered with him. Beleive it or not I really enjoy the times when Brandon and I both look after him because between the two of us it's not as much work. But I'm, like, mom of the year right? :-P

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