
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Potty Training Victory! Taking the Fostering Plunge!

So, Colby has finally decided that he wants to use the potty. All the time! He finally filled up that potty chart I started weeks ago and he got to go pick out a new truck. I think he liked that because he literally filled up another chart in three days. He got to pick out another truck and now he's all about putting stickers on that chart so he can get ANOTHER truck. I now swear by the potty chart because it works! Sure, some call it bribery, but I call it success!

In other news, we finally took the plunge and made the phone call to start the fostering to adopt process. We're not giving up on having more of our own children, but I know that Brandon has always wanted to bigger family and I certainly don't mind having more children :-) The thing is, we're not getting any younger and there are a lot of kids out there that need loving parents - we can provide that. There's been a lot of success stories at my church, so I know there's a lot of support there. I know my parents are okay with it. We haven't talked to Brandons' parents, but we think it will be mostly okay. We're supposed to get a packet in the mail and we set up our first home visit with the agency. We'll be doing training in June and we'll have two other home visits before we're approved so it'll be several months before this happens. In the meantime pray that this will be an excellent decision and experience. FYI- fostering to adopt means that we will be fostering children until their parental rights are terminated. Terminating parental rights is a really long, emotional process. Sometimes it doesn't happen causing the child to age out of the system and sometimes the children are sent back to their families, which if my imagination is anywhere close to reality, that would be heartbreaking. I'll keep everyone posted as to whats happening with this adventure!

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