
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


My parents came in this weekend for a visit. It was Bring Your Own Bed :-) They brought two beds that my grandparents were getting rid of so they got to sleep on real beds in our house istead of staying at a hotel. The extra bedroom needs to be rearranged because it's impossible to get into the closet with how they are, but at least we have them now, so when Colby is ready to sleep in a big boy bed, we'll have two to choose from. And until then, my family or friends can come spend the night whenever they want to!

My mom and I went out to Wally world to get a food processor. We think that Colby's food problem is a consistancy issue. We're going to try to make his food a little lumpier and see if he'll eat it and then gradually work our way up. I figured it was worth a try at least.

I mowed the law for the first time after Colby went to bed. Using the old timey push mower is not a lot of work contrary to popular belief. It takes a little muscle to turn it around if you don't have a lot of space, but it's definately not like some people make it out to be. It got my blood pumping just a little, but I felt good that I was mowing my lawn but being environmentally responsible. That's our first big step in leaving our planet a little greener. I hope to start recycling again soon which will also be a big step. We all need to do our part is what I've realized lately. If we don't, we're just setting up future generations for failure.

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