
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Weekend of Wastefulness :-)

So, I guess you're supposed to get things done on the weekend, especially when it's nice, but here's a list of what we didn't do...

We didn't start the vegetable garden (we talked about it though - very productive on that front)
We didn't wash the cars
We didn't clean the house (a few things got done, but that's about it)
We didn't go to Wytheville

Here's some things we did do...

I read a book
Play with Colby
Hang out with Brandon's family
Go to prom
Waited until Sunday afternoon to turn the AC on

On prom...I discovered that my husband knows all the words to "No Diggity". Who knew! Brandon and I also decided what sort of dress we want our future daughter(s) to wear - it cannot be backless, have ruffles, have a slit, be low cut or missing pieces (there was this girl that had a side missing from the top of her dress...who lets their kid out wearing that!)

Goals for today...
1. Call the electrician
2. Go to Lowes to scope out some gardening materials

We'll see how this goes :-)

1 comment:

  1. You should check out the Radford Farmer's Market next weekend for stuff for your garden! It's right downtown and they usually have some great stuff that's reasonably priced.
