
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Endless Mischief

So far I'm down 8 pounds. Rockin!

I finished my chairs today, I'll take a picture tomorrow when the light is good and post it. I'm thinking of making some cushions for them - then they'll be just perfect.

I spent the day hanging out with Colby and Brandon. We put the coffee table in front of the tv, but he was undeterred from playing with the buttons. I'm using masking tape to keep the photo albums in place - I'm sure that won't last long. It's so funny that when you have a baby you encourage them to reach all those milestones, walking, exploring, eating, but then when they accomplish these things and use them for mischeif, you scratch your head and wonder why you encouraged them so much. I did teach Colby how to spin in circles today, which was highly entertaining! He looked cute spinning around and watching him discover that spinning makes you dizzy was funny too. Luckily, he didn't hit anything hard with his head. Maybe teaching him to spin wasn't such a good idea. Yesterday I made him little potato cakes to eat (think hash browns, but cakes). He really liked them, but I thought they were too greasy/unhealthy, so I don't think I'll make them again. Today I made him a strawberry salad. It looks yummy. We'll try it tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes. I have supplies to make pancakes, maybe I'll try that tomorrow too. So far it's a no-go on the chocolate periflex. I might have to gradually add it to his formula so he has some variety, though he seems to enjoy the unflavored.

Monday, June 29, 2009


I have lost 7 pounds so far in my diet. I'm really proud of myself for somehow managing to stick to my diet even when confronted with temptation and drinking nearly a gallon of water every day since I've started. I know that things won't always be this good, but when the numbers on the scale are going down, my will-power goes up.

Colby has discovered the buttons on the TV and the photo albums on the shelf next to the TV. Still trying to think of a way to stop him from getting into things he should be getting into before a photo album weighing as much as he does falls on his head. He has been very mischevious lately, which one part of me is glad to have a curious child who investigates things, but on the other hand, I can't babyproof everything! Best part of today - hearing him laugh. I'm going to start experimenting with new foods for Colby - since I can't cook for myself, I'll cook for him!

The house smells like skunk. I don't know what's up with that. Brandon looked under the house and didn't find anything. Best guess - Brandy chased a skunk and it sprayed near our a/c unit. Great.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Have A Confession to Make

I hope you won't think badly of me, but I'm really tired fo hearing about Michael Jackson's death. I mean, I know the guy did some awesome things for music and the black community before turing into this ultra-weird person and I certainly feel bad for his family, but come on. North Korea could have wiped South Korea off the map and we wouldn't even know about it because of this non-stop coverage!

On another note, I'm down 4 pounds since I started my diet on Thursday. I'm certain it's just water weight. I know it's probably not good manners to discuss your personal habits, but I've been in the bathroom like 20 times a day. I guess that gallon of water I have to drink has something to do with it. I did get hungry yesterday around 8 or 9, but I've been trying to stay busy so that I won't think about it. For example, yesterday I watered all the plants and then worked on my adirondak chairs some more. Those chairs are coming along, but they're so weirdly shaped that you have to stand and bend over a lot, so I'm taking my time on them so my back doesn't kill me. Tonight maybe I'll mow the front yard. Brandon already mowed it once on a high setting, so I'm going to drop it down and mow it again so that maybe we won't have weeds popping out so fast.

About the garden - everything looks good except the squash and zucchinie (sp?) They look really tiny and unlikely to have any vegetables on them any time soon. The carrots never came up, but the green beans, tomatoes, peppers and onions look really good. Question: How do you know when to pull up the onions?

Friday, June 26, 2009

Well, the diet is going okay. I've only been at it for about 24 hours and so far I've lost 2 pounds - but I guess when you're eating next to nothing that's definately possible. I've been doing pretty well on drinking my water - Brandon's always asking how much I had to drink, which is good because that will be the hardest part. But I can do it. This time I'm going to stick with it to the letter so that when school starts again the response will ooohs and ahhhs over my slimer figure and not simply "how was your summer?"

I bought an outdoor table - I'm super happy that our back yard is turning into something I am enjoying. The flower garden we started is sort of an eyesore, but we'll get to it eventually. I also started painting those adirondak chairs on the front porch. I'll post a picture when they're done!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Diet. Here I Come!

Well, I just got back from the Weight Station. I think I can do this diet - it's really specific so at least you don't have to wonder if this or that is part of the diet (the problem I had with WeightWatchers was not knowing how many points things were!) I think the hardest part I'll have is drinking the required amount of water. I'm supposed to drink a gallon a day! The nurse that saw me said that the more water you drink the more you lose, so I guess that will be some encouragement for me. I went to Wally world and stocked up on things that are part of the diet. It's so funny that when you can't have things they look so darn appealing! I was looking at things I hadn't eaten in months thinking "That would taste so good!" But I'm going to stick with this if it kills me - and I don't think it will, otherwise they'd be out of business.

Just a note on Colby - I don't know how those daycare ladies chase after whole classes of small children because sometimes I want to pull my hair out over one small child who can't even talk! Lets just say, my anger spiked when most of his dinner ended up on the floor. It's fun to play with him, but sometimes I just need to read for my class and I can't get it done because he wants to held and then when I hold him, he doesn't want to held. Go figure. At least I got some quality reading done during my 45 minute wait today (about the only thing I was really annoyed about).

Monday, June 22, 2009

Camping Weekend

Last weekend was pretty good. We left on Thursday to go camping in the National Forest outside of Staunton. This isn't like camping at a camp ground, there's no running water besides the creek, no electric hookups and no bath houses. If it wasn't for my parents bringing their camper up, we would have been stuck using mother nature for the bathroom. We bought a new tent before this trip - ours was too small for an air matress and a pack-and-play - so the one we got was gigantic. I think we could sleep at least six or seven people comfortably, although the bag says ten (where they would all sleep is a mystery to me). Colby did really well up there. He didn't eat too many bugs or too much dirt. He napped really well and slept well on all but one night. Everyone kept an eye on him and mommy made him extra special food that he loved. Brandon had fun playing in the creek where he spent a lot of time making a dam. I had fun just hanging out. And let me just say that I love camping food - smores, eclairs, ribs, steak, silver turles...yum!

After eating all that food, I'm going to be starting a diet this week at the Weight Station in Christiansburg. I go on Thursday to find out everything I need to know and get my first shot of B12. So far I haven't run into anyone that hasn't lost weight going there, so before we decide to have baby number two, I'm going to get these pounds off so my blood pressure won't be an issue. I plan to lose 75 pounds - we'll see how it goes. It's expensive to go there so Lord knows I won't waste money by not sticking to the diet.

Hi Daddy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"You ain't seen nothing yet..."

I am super excited about going camping. Until then I'll be cleaning out my classroom and enjoying life with no students while listeing to 106.9 The Fox (classic rock station out of VA Beach) on my computer!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Graduation, Wedding, Baptism - All in a Weekends Work

This weekend was pretty good. I can't say I was totally thrilled about graduation on Friday night, but aside from uncomfortable seats, black harry pottere-esque robes, and fireworks going off while names were being called, it was okay. It was a really nice ceremony that lasted about an hour and forty-five minutes. For 360 grads, that's not too bad.

Saturday we went to a wedding in Appomatox. Brandon's cousin, Andrew, got married to his girl, Melissa (that's who we bought the house from). It was at this bed and breakfast in Appomatox. The ceremony and reception was outside, which I wasn't too excited about. It was hot. The ceremony was lovely, Melissa looked gorgeous. Wasn't too thrilled that they didn't have a single mention about God in their vows, but hey, it was what they wanted. The bed and breakfast was GORGEOUS. I have no idea how old the house was, but it was all antiquey and authentic looking. The bridal party spent a couple nights there and their rooms were awesome. All the food was prepared and served in the B & B so we go to run around and look at everything. Of course Colby wanted to touch, so we had to keep an eye on him. He had a good time running around the yards outside and playing in the ice water cup I gave him. He didn't eat super well, so I'm sure his phe is way low. Andrew and Melissa are going on a Carribbean cruise for they honeymoon and I have to say I wish I was going on a cruise! I'm jealous.

Today we went to church and their was a baptism afterwards at the river along with a huge cookout. We went and ate, talked to people, and when it got hot and Colby got tired, we left. I loved that wedding, but it was SO hot and we couldn't leave! It was almost like being trapped! But today was much better, we can spend the afternoon inside in the air conditioning!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School's Out for Summer - Almost

Colby cracks me up. He's much more interactive these days and if he's in a good mood he'll chase us around and run away when we chase him. And he just laughs! Brandon says that he's going to train him to be an astronaut - he holds him upside down and spins him around and makes him "fly" around the house. Wouldn't that be funny if he actually was an astronaut when he grew up!

School is almost over - thank God! We have exams tomorrow and Friday and then I don't have to see my kids anymore. I think I'll miss some of them - I did have some wonderful kids this semester. But for the most part I'll be glad to see them go. I think next year will be much better. I'm spending my summer with that mind-set at any rate. I've heard the next group of kids is a lot better than this group, but even if they're not, it's going to be my goal to get them motivated to learn and actually try to get a decent grade. I'm still working on the how part, but I have all summer to come up with that.

I've been slogging away at my educational leadership course. It's actually pretty interesting and challenges me to think about things - which is good.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Thoughts

I had a good weekend, but Colby was very fussy. I don't know what the problem was, but he slept horribly Friday night and he would act like he wanted to be held and then as soon as we picked him up he would want to be set down! It was frustrating. He's getting a lot of new teeth, which could be the problem. With just the few teeth he has, I can tell that boy will need braces. We'd better start saving up now!

I made an appointment to go to the Weigh Station. This a weight loss center, but when Brandon saw the program, he was less than enthused. It involves injections and an extreme diet restriction. Brandon asked if I would wait for a month and in the mean time try eating healthier and exercising. We both decided that our diet was less than stellar and we tried really hard this weekend to eat better. Plus for the first time ever, we planned out a healthy menu for this coming week. I'm willing to give it a shot, but I haven't cancelled my appointment at the Weigh Station. I don't think Brandon understands how hard it is for overweight people to lose the weight. Eating better is all fine and good theoretically, but unfortunately there is WAY to much temptation. I feel like I'll need someone to look me in the face and hold me accountable and it can't be my husband.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Super excited about the beach!

Super not excited about group projects with people who are bossy. And doubly not excited about doing group projects with people who change plans. And tripely not excited about doing group projects with people who get irritated that I don't check my e-mail every day - I have a job, a baby, and a husband...forgetting to check my e-mail is understandable (unless you're in my group).

Super excited that I only have seven more days of school with children!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Project

So this summer I've decided that I'm going to put a book together of my family history. I got to thinking that Colby will never get to know my great-grandmother because she passed away last November. Then I got to thinking, "What if something happens to my grandparents? I should get the story of their life now while they're healthy and able to tell me lots of neat stories." So this summer I'm going to get pictures, do some interviews and get a book together. There's so much technology out there these days that it seems a shame not to. If you're family and you're reading this, expect an e-mail or phone call soon.