
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Graduation, Wedding, Baptism - All in a Weekends Work

This weekend was pretty good. I can't say I was totally thrilled about graduation on Friday night, but aside from uncomfortable seats, black harry pottere-esque robes, and fireworks going off while names were being called, it was okay. It was a really nice ceremony that lasted about an hour and forty-five minutes. For 360 grads, that's not too bad.

Saturday we went to a wedding in Appomatox. Brandon's cousin, Andrew, got married to his girl, Melissa (that's who we bought the house from). It was at this bed and breakfast in Appomatox. The ceremony and reception was outside, which I wasn't too excited about. It was hot. The ceremony was lovely, Melissa looked gorgeous. Wasn't too thrilled that they didn't have a single mention about God in their vows, but hey, it was what they wanted. The bed and breakfast was GORGEOUS. I have no idea how old the house was, but it was all antiquey and authentic looking. The bridal party spent a couple nights there and their rooms were awesome. All the food was prepared and served in the B & B so we go to run around and look at everything. Of course Colby wanted to touch, so we had to keep an eye on him. He had a good time running around the yards outside and playing in the ice water cup I gave him. He didn't eat super well, so I'm sure his phe is way low. Andrew and Melissa are going on a Carribbean cruise for they honeymoon and I have to say I wish I was going on a cruise! I'm jealous.

Today we went to church and their was a baptism afterwards at the river along with a huge cookout. We went and ate, talked to people, and when it got hot and Colby got tired, we left. I loved that wedding, but it was SO hot and we couldn't leave! It was almost like being trapped! But today was much better, we can spend the afternoon inside in the air conditioning!

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