
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Well, the diet is going okay. I've only been at it for about 24 hours and so far I've lost 2 pounds - but I guess when you're eating next to nothing that's definately possible. I've been doing pretty well on drinking my water - Brandon's always asking how much I had to drink, which is good because that will be the hardest part. But I can do it. This time I'm going to stick with it to the letter so that when school starts again the response will ooohs and ahhhs over my slimer figure and not simply "how was your summer?"

I bought an outdoor table - I'm super happy that our back yard is turning into something I am enjoying. The flower garden we started is sort of an eyesore, but we'll get to it eventually. I also started painting those adirondak chairs on the front porch. I'll post a picture when they're done!

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