
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Have A Confession to Make

I hope you won't think badly of me, but I'm really tired fo hearing about Michael Jackson's death. I mean, I know the guy did some awesome things for music and the black community before turing into this ultra-weird person and I certainly feel bad for his family, but come on. North Korea could have wiped South Korea off the map and we wouldn't even know about it because of this non-stop coverage!

On another note, I'm down 4 pounds since I started my diet on Thursday. I'm certain it's just water weight. I know it's probably not good manners to discuss your personal habits, but I've been in the bathroom like 20 times a day. I guess that gallon of water I have to drink has something to do with it. I did get hungry yesterday around 8 or 9, but I've been trying to stay busy so that I won't think about it. For example, yesterday I watered all the plants and then worked on my adirondak chairs some more. Those chairs are coming along, but they're so weirdly shaped that you have to stand and bend over a lot, so I'm taking my time on them so my back doesn't kill me. Tonight maybe I'll mow the front yard. Brandon already mowed it once on a high setting, so I'm going to drop it down and mow it again so that maybe we won't have weeds popping out so fast.

About the garden - everything looks good except the squash and zucchinie (sp?) They look really tiny and unlikely to have any vegetables on them any time soon. The carrots never came up, but the green beans, tomatoes, peppers and onions look really good. Question: How do you know when to pull up the onions?

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