
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Camping Weekend

Last weekend was pretty good. We left on Thursday to go camping in the National Forest outside of Staunton. This isn't like camping at a camp ground, there's no running water besides the creek, no electric hookups and no bath houses. If it wasn't for my parents bringing their camper up, we would have been stuck using mother nature for the bathroom. We bought a new tent before this trip - ours was too small for an air matress and a pack-and-play - so the one we got was gigantic. I think we could sleep at least six or seven people comfortably, although the bag says ten (where they would all sleep is a mystery to me). Colby did really well up there. He didn't eat too many bugs or too much dirt. He napped really well and slept well on all but one night. Everyone kept an eye on him and mommy made him extra special food that he loved. Brandon had fun playing in the creek where he spent a lot of time making a dam. I had fun just hanging out. And let me just say that I love camping food - smores, eclairs, ribs, steak, silver turles...yum!

After eating all that food, I'm going to be starting a diet this week at the Weight Station in Christiansburg. I go on Thursday to find out everything I need to know and get my first shot of B12. So far I haven't run into anyone that hasn't lost weight going there, so before we decide to have baby number two, I'm going to get these pounds off so my blood pressure won't be an issue. I plan to lose 75 pounds - we'll see how it goes. It's expensive to go there so Lord knows I won't waste money by not sticking to the diet.

Hi Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. I know someone that did the WEIGHT STATION and she really shed the pounds! I wish one was here in Lynchburg!
