
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Diet. Here I Come!

Well, I just got back from the Weight Station. I think I can do this diet - it's really specific so at least you don't have to wonder if this or that is part of the diet (the problem I had with WeightWatchers was not knowing how many points things were!) I think the hardest part I'll have is drinking the required amount of water. I'm supposed to drink a gallon a day! The nurse that saw me said that the more water you drink the more you lose, so I guess that will be some encouragement for me. I went to Wally world and stocked up on things that are part of the diet. It's so funny that when you can't have things they look so darn appealing! I was looking at things I hadn't eaten in months thinking "That would taste so good!" But I'm going to stick with this if it kills me - and I don't think it will, otherwise they'd be out of business.

Just a note on Colby - I don't know how those daycare ladies chase after whole classes of small children because sometimes I want to pull my hair out over one small child who can't even talk! Lets just say, my anger spiked when most of his dinner ended up on the floor. It's fun to play with him, but sometimes I just need to read for my class and I can't get it done because he wants to held and then when I hold him, he doesn't want to held. Go figure. At least I got some quality reading done during my 45 minute wait today (about the only thing I was really annoyed about).

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