
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Crazy Week

Okay, so last week I got to add a first to the list of teaching firsts. On Thursday I had my first student arrested in my class. Here's the story. This kid was banging on a wall I share with another teacher. I asked him to stop and when he did it again I asked him to move up one seat. He refused to move up, so I asked him to come out into the hall with me. He refused to come out into the hall and started making some very insulting comments to me. I asked school security to come so they did and he asked the kid to come with him. The kid refused so the security guy called the School Resource Officer. The SRO came down and asked him to leave with him, but instead the student told the SRO that he hit's people like him. At this point I was like OMG! The SRO started back to get him and the student started to run! I'm like holy cow! The SRO grabs him, forcibly pulls him from the classroom and tackled him in the hallway while the student was screaming obsenities. They cuffed the kid and took him directly out to a squad car. Apparently he was charged with disorderly conduct and taken to lockup. It was totally crazy. I never want to experience that ever again!

On a lighter note there was a PKU picnic in Charlottesville this past weekend. It was pretty cool to see all the kids running around and having a good time and eating foods that they knew were safe for them to eat. There was a kid there that goes to UVA! I'm so glad that there are kids with PKU that are going to quality colleges (even if it is UVA) and more or less making it in a world that makes it hard to deal with PKU. We cleaned up on door prizes too, so that was cool. We also got to reconnect with the family that lives in Pulaski that has a daughter with PKU. It's nice to know that we live so close together and we made a commitment to get together and visit sometime soon. We also got to meet the family in Bluefield, Virginia. They were really nice and their son was sweet.

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