
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last week was homecoming week. I am the 10th grade sponsor, so I had to supervise my students as they decorate, which was why I didn't make any posts last week. Most nights we stayed until at least 7 and when I got home I was pooped. Unfortunately I didn't have enough students that came to help. That means the walls were unfinished and everything looked tossed together. Don't get me wrong, the students that came worked really hard, but there wasn't any way to get everything done with only 4 or 5 students working. I had one girl who was a talented artist that worked on our banner all week. Because of her dedicaiton, we won the banner competition. In the locker banks I ended up posting a sign that says "Dear Class of 2012, What you see for homecoming decorations was done by a few dedicated members of your class. We hope that next year you will find your school and class spirit and help make the locker banks reflect how truly great you are." I hope some feel guilty for not helping so that next year when they are helping decorate for prom, more people will come and help.

I have a secret to confess. I really enjoy the new show on the WB called "The Vampire Diaries." I'm sure this show is directed toward teenagers, but I really like it. And apparently I'm not the only one because at least two other English teachers have made a similar confession. Another new show I enjoy - "Mercy." Old guilty pleasure: "America's Next Top Model." (And this season for top model is for "short" models...I'm sorry but if you're 5'6" or 5'7", YOU'RE NOT SHORT!!)

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