
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Wishlist

Today I made two loaves of zuchini bread - I think I'm obsessed with it. I still can't believe that something so tasty has vegetables in it, but it does!

I'm still trying to get Brandon to buy me a netbook. He's being a bit stubborn about it, but I'm also being stubborn about getting this netbook. It's not like they cost thousands of dollars. The one I was looking at was $300. And really, who uses a desktop bought in 2000? And what's compatible with a desktop built in 2000? Nothing! So we should get a netbook. E-mail Brandon and tell him that we need one, maybe he'll listen to someone other than me! :-)

Today I did nothing of interest except for clean out the utility room and organize our linens. Oh, and I made a Christmas Wishlist. I know it's early, but I was watching NFL football (that I don't care about) so I got bored and started thinking about upcoming holidays. I must have been REALLY bored with football because when I say it was a wishlist, it really was. I mean who's going to buy me a grill? Maybe if my relatives win the lottery or something I'll get a grill, but otherwise, it'll remain on my wishlist for a while.

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