
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No More Arrests

So far I haven't had any more students arrested - great!

If you didn't know, I'm taking a class at Radford to work on my Master's Degree in Educational Leadership. The class I'm taking is Ciriculum Development and I thought it was going to be a bore, but the professor is making it enjoyable. The only thing I don't particularly enjoy is having to actually GO to class. In the past, my professors have made my classes online, which makes it easy to have a toddler and take classes. I remember the days when taking a three hour night class was no big deal (think Law with Dr. Haga), but with a toddler and a husband that works night shift, it's no easy task. Thankfully I have a wonderful sister-in-law who is willing to watch Colby on those nights. I don't know how I'd do this without her. I think I mentioned this before, but it's still weird to walk across campus - I still feel old. Oh, and my professor made me feel really nervous about being a principal. He pointed out that principal's serve at the superintendants pleasure and can be fired for no reason at all. I guess that's how the real world works, but as someone who is used to tenure and has a family to support, that's a scary prospect. I still think that it's what I'm supposed to do, but it makes me a little nervous to know that little tidbit of information.

Tonight I went to parenting group at church. We're learning how to raise our children to be good, godly adults and I really like it. What we learned today: Your relationship with your spouse is more important than your relationship with your children. Of course you love your children, but your marriage should come first. Our homework is to have 15 minutes of couch time with our spouses as soon as we get home. I think Brandon and I do pretty good about talking when we get home versus throwing ourselves into playing with Colby, but this week we'll make it a point to see how we're actually doing and improve if we need to. The point is to show Colby that we really do care for each other so that he will be secure in the knowledge that he doesn't need to worry about mommy and daddy and their love for each other. I think he gets that, but it never hurts to make a point to show that our relationship is important to each other.

I'm starting my diet again this weekend. I need to lose the rest of the weight that I set out to lose so that when I look in the mirror I'm not dissatisfied. It's great to wear clothes that are too loose for me now, but I still have some progress to make. Wish me luck.

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