
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bite Log

Today we had our annual Thanksgiving feast in the English pod. The food, which was of course delicious, is one of the many reasons I love my department. Plus, we know what we're doing and we do it damn well :-)

I did my Thanksgiving shopping today. Suprisingly enough, Walmart wasn't overcrowded and there were cashiers just standing around so I got in and out without a fussy Colby. Actually he was great tonight. He ate some veggies and fruit while I ate veggies and chicken, he played for a while (I can't make him understand that the VCR is not a toy, though), he took a bath and went right to bed. Lately at bedtime he's been walking straight to his bed with no problems.

However...there is the bite log. Last week I didn't have to sign the log at all, so I thought that maybe we were on the right track. Then today happened. I had to sign for three bites! She said it was right before nap time, so maybe he was just cranky, but I'm sure nobody has as many entries in the bite log as Colby and it's terribly embarressing to have to sign it! But, on a positive note he hasn't bitten Brandon and I in a long time.

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