
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Diaper Rash :-(

Colby has this crazy diaper rash that I'm not sure is diaper rash. It's in the diaper area, but a lot of it is on his leg, so I'm taking him to the doctor. Lets just say he's been super cranky lately and diaper changes are like I'm battling Conan the Barbarian, screams and all. I hope the doc can tell me whats wrong and more importantly tell me how to fix it.

In other news, I'm heading home this weekend to visit my parents. I don't know if they're heat will be on or not, though. Since all the ductwork got wet last week, they have to get it replaced, but I'm not sure if it will have been done by then. But that's okay. It's certianly not going to be as cold there as it is here in Radford. Lets just say in Radford, more often then not I have to scrape my car windows before I leave in the morning, which I'm sure is something my parents haven't done since the dead of last winter...maybe :-) I'm supposed to go shopping with my mom and sister, so I'm excited about that.

Also, halfway through Romeo and Juliet in class. We're right at Act III where crap hits the fan and all that lovey-dovey mush that my boys hate so much flies right out the window. Fun times!

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