
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Week...

So this past week has been okay. By the grace of God I got my grades done. It's always amazing that I have a few students who act so clueless when they find out that they failed the class. They always wonder how that happened. They say 'Gee whiz, I didn't know that not doing my work would make me fail.' Most of my kids did okay, though. I only had five A's, which is sort of disappointing. We have a ten point spread for each letter grade, so you'd think it wouldn't be that hard to get an A. It's so frustrating when they're happy with a D. How do you get a student in this "whatever" generation to try and to be unsatisfied with barely passing? You probably don't have any answers for me, but these are the things that run through my mind on a weekly basis.

We started Romeo and Juliet this week. I have some students that are getting into it, but I have so many boys and they're like 'Why do you have to tourture us like this, Mrs. Gill!' I have the play on CD, so we listen to it a lot especially in the beginning. FYI, professional actors do not make great readers on CD. Joseph Feinnes is the voice of Romeo (he's the guy that plays Shakespeare in the movie Shakespeare in Love) and he's terrible! His sad, mopey, over-the-top emotional voice makes it really hard for my boys to relate, which makes it that much harder for me.

Last night we went to Roanoke for a going away party for a guy Brandon works with. He's in the navy researve and is being called up for a tour in Afganistan. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and I got to meet a lot of the people Brandon works with. They are a really great group of men, but they are the drinkingest group of people I ever met. I think Brandon and I were the only two people that didn't have an alcholoic beverage. Colby was pretty good last night. He didn't like waiting around for a table, but once he was settled in a high chair, he was good. He stayed up way too late and this morning he was extra cranky. We made him take a nap around 9a.m., which is very early for him. Usually nap time is around 11a.m. or sometimes 1p.m. Oh well, I guess that means we can go do some chores outside a little earlier in the day, though as you might notice, I'm sitting here typing a blog entry instead :-)


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