
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Protesting Lungs

I think I did too much today and my lungs are protesting a little. They say 'you're still sick so take a chill pill!' They first protested after I cleared off the patio. Niki keeps getting wrapped around things, but now there's nothing to get wrapped around. But I guess breathing in all that cold air is a problem for my lungs. I guess I didn't learn my lesson because I later went to walmart. That wasn't as bad, though, seeing as I was inside. Plus, we really need to eat...really.

About eating - Brandon bought a chick-fil-a party tray so that he could get a free gallon of tea. We're still eating this stupid chicken AND he hasn't even taken a sip of the tea! I love Chick-fil-a, but there is a limit to my love and the third day is about it.

Colby has been playing with his toys today. But, Colby has discovered that he can throw things behind the couch - blocks, cups, paper, anything - so we had to put our blocks away for a while today. He hasn't been eating well for dinner. I guess he hasn't been too hungry, though I'm not sure why...maybe too much juice...hmmm...there's a thought.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pictures and Updates

Today I went to the urgent care office in Blacksburg to get my lungs checked out. I've been miserable for the last couple of days because I couldn't stop coughing and nothing was helping. After my muscles were completely sore and I thought I couldn't possibly cough another cough I was diagnosed with a lower respitory infection. The doc gave me antibiotics and a steroid to stop the coughing. I've felt SOOO much better since taking them about 8 hours ago.

I just want to say that there's something so interesting about the Blacksburg urgent care when it's full of locals.

Okay, so I found my camera cable, so here's some pictures!Here's Colby eating his first sucker. What a mess!
Colby playing with Christmas toys. Merry Christmas!

Colby playing in the snow. Check out the snowsuit!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Niki and Naps

Still not feeling well. I now have a nasty cough that just won't quit and I officially haven't done anything around the house yet. I haven't wrapped a single present or anything.

So a new development in the saga of Niki...she broke her collar and we had to purchase a new one. I swear that dog can break anything. Brandy was was never this much trouble.

Colby's doing well. We can't seem to get the nap thing down. I want him to take a nap right after lunch like he does at daycare, but we've not been successful at getting him down without a fight, which usually involves him throwing his juice cup over the side of the crib and us having to eventually go back in to get it. Right now I'm giving him two minutes of cry time every time he throws the cup over before I go get it. Today I had to go get it about 4 times. I'm hoping the routine will take hold if I stay consistent. Here's hoping, but he is an extremely willful child. He'll be one of those kids who when told to stay off the wet floor will put one toe on it just to see what the reaction is. Baby number two would have to be an angel compared to Colby....right?

Monday, December 21, 2009

I was going to post some pictures, but I can't find my cable :-( We bought Colby some adorable cowboy boots, put him in a snowsuit and gloves and took him out yesterday evening. He LOVED it! He especially liked slinging the snow around. He pretty much stayed on the sidewalk. He attempted to walk on the snow, but only managed to fall, which was fine because daddy was there to pick him up. It was great to hear him giggling and see him playing with his first real snow.

We decided on a course of action for our new wayward pup. She's been jumping the fence like there's no tomorrow and we're concerned that she will try to get at someones fresh deer kill and they'll decide they'd like to kill her too. Or that she'll mess with the chickens down the road. So we bought a stake and put her on a really long line (she can go pretty much anywhere in the back yard). It's pretty bad that in the middle of a fenced yard we still have to tie her up. We're hoping we can teach her not to jump the fence so we won't have to do that, but until then for her own safety that's what we have to do.

So I haven't been feeling well, so I went to the doctor. Official diagnosis...cold. Thanks doc.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Bound

On Friday we didn't have any school due to the largest snowstorm I think I've ever seen. Which means we started break a day early, but since I didn't have the foresight to grab things out of my room or out of the fridge I had to drive over before it started snowing to get things. It was a good thing we didn't have school because it started snowing at 1:30 and within an hour everything including the roads were covered. I don't even want to imagine busses trying to take kids home under those conditions.

This morning we had over 13 inches of snow and as I type it's snowing again. Some places got thunder snow and because of that they had about 2 feet of snow. We were supposed to have the police party, but it got rescheduled for January due to the weather. And before you start wondering - no we didn't take Colby out in the snow - It's up to his waist and at the first step he would fall. Maybe if the next snowfall is not as much we'll get him some snow boots and take him out.

Speaking of Colby, he has not been a good napper the last couple of days. Yesterday it took me almost yelling at him to make him lay down and take a nap. Today we're still trying to get him down (it's now 3:30 and we started this process at 2:30).

Today I made cookies while we were snowbound...yum!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow

So it might snow tomorrow. Rumors are floating around that we might get out of school early. I'm down with that, but if I don't get to wear my pretty dress on Saturday, I'm going to be very sad.

So Colby slept last night from 6pm to 7am waking up only once around 5am because he was thirsty. He was all smiles this morning too. I didn't give him any toys to play with that he couldn't put in the car and I made sure he wasn't hungry by giving him grapes. He ran into daycare ready to go. Maybe he was all screwed up with the time change and it getting darker earlier...who knows...but I'm glad to have my happy baby back :-)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

World Class Temper Tantrums

Colby has learned how to throw world class temper tantrums. This morning he was playing with the vaccum cleaner - fine whatever - but it was time to go to school and when I put it away he threw himself on the floor and screamed and kicked. I went to the other room and sat down and when he realized no one was paying attention, he followed me and threw himself on the floor again and kept screaming. This evening he was standing between the couch and the coffee table and when he went to throw himself onto the floor to cry he banged his head on the coffee table and cracked the wood on one of the leafs (sorry daddy). When Colby's teacher at daycare asked if I was ready for this week at school to be over, I had to weigh my options - crying, screaming, kicking baby or 9th Graders? It was a tough call. Lets just say that now I understand how a mom could lose it and scream at their child. It is certainly frustrating to deal with it, but thankfully Colby went to bed at 6p.m. so I was able to get a little peace and quiet and make my burritos for school tomorrow.

This weekend in the police officer banquet. I bought a new dress - it's a blue mock halter. I hope it looks smashing on me - I want to look as good as Brandon looks normally so that his officer buddies aren't like "whoa" in a bad, disapproving way. I'm looking forward to no screaming toddlers, a romantic slow dance and maybe some cheezy cop songs (think "Bad Boys") :-)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sick Babies and Barking Dogs

For the last couple of days Colby has been sick. On Thursday and today we had to pick him up from daycare. Yesterday he was running a low grade fever, but he threw up twice and looked completely miserable. The doctor said he had a virus. He seemed better this morning, but daycare called and said he was running a fever and not eating well so we went and got him again. I think he'll be back to his old self tomorrow - at least I hope so since I'm attending an English teacher brunch at our department heads house. Cranky babies are not fun babies :-)

So the dogs are barking a lot. It's super annoying. I mean sometimes Brandy would wake me up at night barking, but the two of them together...they're barking at everything! And Niki is a bit mischevious. She's gotten into the food bin twice. We had to move it onto the porch and put rocks on it so that she wouldn't get into it. And she dug up the peach tree Brandon planted in the back yard. He replanted it, but I guess we'll see if it survived in the spring. And Brandy is certainly the ruler of the yard. I watched her take Niki by the throat and throw her down until she submitted to her authority. It's a good thing that I'm the pack leader. All I have to do is say one harsh word to Brandy and she's cowering, no smackdowns needed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Additon - Not a Baby!

We have a new addition to our family. Last week a student of mine said she was trying to get rid of her dog. Before I even thought about my words, an offer to take her dog popped out of my mouth. So yesterday her dad brought her to school and she got to meet Brandy. The new dog is named Niki and she's supposedly an Akita husky (don't think Alaskan husky - completely different), but I'm not sure. She's the same size as Brandy, but she's white and black with pointy ears like a german shepherd. Niki and Brandy got into a fight last night and I was concerned, but a teacher at school pointed out that dogs have to establish who's the boss. I think Brandy asserted herself as boss because Niki was definately bleeding more (not terrible or anything, but she got her paw torn up and got blood all over the house before I realized she was bleeding). After the fight Niki slept in the laundry room and all seemed better in the morning. I found out this morning that the student that gave me Niki was moving to Lousiana, which I'm assuming is why she was trying to find her a new home. We'll see how this adventure goes, but I'm not going to open my big mouth ever again!

Colby hasn't gotten any more bite log entries, but cross your fingers because that could definately change by tomorrow. He's been good this week except for not sleeping well on Monday night (it happens I suppose). He's been playing with his toys really well and eating well - he's an expert with a spoon and fork (at least he thinks so :-) ) He tried to pull some ornaments off the tree today, but I stopped him before there was any serious harm. All is well in Colbyland.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmasy Day

Today was a good day. We finished watching Romeo and Juliet in class which gave me time to finish grading papers that have stacked up over the course of a couple of weeks. Plus I love the Baz Luhrman Romeo and Juliet and not to mention Leonardo DiCaprio. It sounds juvenile but I "heart" Leonardo :-)

Colby went back to his old classroom because they needed his current room for an expanding group of 2-year-olds. All the excitement of moving meant that Colby didn't take a nap and he went to bed early tonight. When he started getting frustrated with his toys, that was the signal to go get the sippy cup and put the pj's on.

I think tonight I was getting in the Christmas mood. I decided to finish decorating the front porch and I even wrapped a few presents. I'm excited about Christmas this year for some reason. Maybe it's because Colby is getting older and he can do more about opening presents and such. Or maybe I'm just excited to give presents :-)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Eye Troubles

So, this week has been a little crazy. On Wednesday on the way home my eyes started to become sensitive to the outside light, which was crazy because it was cloudy and rainy and not at all bright. By the time I went to bed, I couldn't even look at the TV and every time my pupil adjusted to the light it felt really weird. In the morning I couldn't look at any light and it was crazy just trying to take a shower. I realized pretty quick that I couldn't drive anywhere muchless teach, so I called in sick and then I called Brandon to ask him to come home immediately (he had worked the night shift Wed. night and was still in Roanoke and was supposed to stay for court). Brandon took me my regular doctor who said there was something on my eye and gave me some numbing drops. I don't know what was in that drop, but it was heavenly and I was able to drive myself to the opthomologist. Now, at the opthomologist office I was the youngest patient by at least 40 years so everyone was kind of staring at me and unfortunately I was an emergancy appointment, so they made me wait for a long while. When I finally got seen, the opthomologist said I have an ulcer on my eye. He said my contacts dried my eyes out and made it possible for bacteria to get in my eye and cause an ulcer. He gave me antibiotic drops which I've been using ever since.

The next day at school all of my students were stunned by my still bloodshot eyes. I told them I got turned into a vampire :-) And some kids joked about what drugs I was on, which wasn't as funny. The good news is, I'm feeling 100 times better and am no longer sensitive to light. I went back to the opthomologist yesterday and again I was 50 years younger than everyone and I had to wait FOREVER. I'm a fast reader, but I shouldn't be able to read over 100 pages of a book while I'm waiting. The good news is, he said my eye was healing well, but if I ever want to stop taking drops for dry eyes, I may have to go back to glasses only. I attempted to explain to Brandon that my glasses make me feel ugly and that I might have to purchase some other glasses that I really LOVE, but I got no sympathy from him (of course he's never had glasses, so what can I expect?).

Anyway, today I still look a little like a vampire, but everything is good. It snowed today while we put up our Christmas tree. Just in case you're curious, the tree is behind the loveseat and a couple of plastic boxes so Colby isn't tempted to pull it down or play with the ornaments. He did a good job putting on candycanes today, though!