
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Niki and Naps

Still not feeling well. I now have a nasty cough that just won't quit and I officially haven't done anything around the house yet. I haven't wrapped a single present or anything.

So a new development in the saga of Niki...she broke her collar and we had to purchase a new one. I swear that dog can break anything. Brandy was was never this much trouble.

Colby's doing well. We can't seem to get the nap thing down. I want him to take a nap right after lunch like he does at daycare, but we've not been successful at getting him down without a fight, which usually involves him throwing his juice cup over the side of the crib and us having to eventually go back in to get it. Right now I'm giving him two minutes of cry time every time he throws the cup over before I go get it. Today I had to go get it about 4 times. I'm hoping the routine will take hold if I stay consistent. Here's hoping, but he is an extremely willful child. He'll be one of those kids who when told to stay off the wet floor will put one toe on it just to see what the reaction is. Baby number two would have to be an angel compared to Colby....right?

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