
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Protesting Lungs

I think I did too much today and my lungs are protesting a little. They say 'you're still sick so take a chill pill!' They first protested after I cleared off the patio. Niki keeps getting wrapped around things, but now there's nothing to get wrapped around. But I guess breathing in all that cold air is a problem for my lungs. I guess I didn't learn my lesson because I later went to walmart. That wasn't as bad, though, seeing as I was inside. Plus, we really need to eat...really.

About eating - Brandon bought a chick-fil-a party tray so that he could get a free gallon of tea. We're still eating this stupid chicken AND he hasn't even taken a sip of the tea! I love Chick-fil-a, but there is a limit to my love and the third day is about it.

Colby has been playing with his toys today. But, Colby has discovered that he can throw things behind the couch - blocks, cups, paper, anything - so we had to put our blocks away for a while today. He hasn't been eating well for dinner. I guess he hasn't been too hungry, though I'm not sure why...maybe too much juice...hmmm...there's a thought.

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