
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sick Babies and Barking Dogs

For the last couple of days Colby has been sick. On Thursday and today we had to pick him up from daycare. Yesterday he was running a low grade fever, but he threw up twice and looked completely miserable. The doctor said he had a virus. He seemed better this morning, but daycare called and said he was running a fever and not eating well so we went and got him again. I think he'll be back to his old self tomorrow - at least I hope so since I'm attending an English teacher brunch at our department heads house. Cranky babies are not fun babies :-)

So the dogs are barking a lot. It's super annoying. I mean sometimes Brandy would wake me up at night barking, but the two of them together...they're barking at everything! And Niki is a bit mischevious. She's gotten into the food bin twice. We had to move it onto the porch and put rocks on it so that she wouldn't get into it. And she dug up the peach tree Brandon planted in the back yard. He replanted it, but I guess we'll see if it survived in the spring. And Brandy is certainly the ruler of the yard. I watched her take Niki by the throat and throw her down until she submitted to her authority. It's a good thing that I'm the pack leader. All I have to do is say one harsh word to Brandy and she's cowering, no smackdowns needed.

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