
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Baby Food Woes

So, we've been trying to get Colby to eat table food lately and it hasn't been going well. He'll eat puffs, chex and bananas, but no broccoli, no pasta, and no carrots. Two nights in a row dinner has ended with a screaming child. I think I'm going to have to try a new approach. I think I'm going to mash up the carrots a little and add a little bit of baby food carrots and see if he does better. Maybe he just doesn't like the texture of the solid foods, so I'll try to work up to whole carrots. I know that some people might be like, "let him cry it out and he'll eventually eat it." But when Colby is screaming at the top of his lungs because he's hungry and doesn't want what you're offering, you kind of want to do something about it (i.e. give him something else to eat).

I'm pretty frustrated with this whole food thing because the nutritionist wants us to increase the amount of phe he gets from food, but that means he needs to eat a wider variety of foods. The other problem is that I've trained myself to only look for low phe foods, so I'm not used to giving him higher phe foods to get to that magic phe number. I gave him honey nut cheerios for breakfast today just because I'm having a hard time getting in 200 mg of phe. I need to just take the food list to Walmart and figure out what sorts of things he can eat that are available. Then we'll be doing much better.

On a lighter note, I got some baking mix and I'm excited to make Colby some birthday cupcakes :-)

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