
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pink Eye

Colby has pink eye. I feel bad for Brandon because it seems like whenever he's off, Colby gets sick and has to be picked up and taken to the doctor and then kept at home. I might have to take the day off tomorrow if he's not feeling better. Colby doesn't seem to be in a bad mood, but his left eye is swollen, red and gunky. And we have to give him eye drops, which is not fun for anybody.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but my stomach has been giving me issues. I don't think I have the flu or anything like that, but I'm not hungry even though my stomach is rumbly. I haven't eaten dinner for two nights in a row and very little for breakfast and lunch. It's weird.

Well, I got the daffodils planted and I'm going to plant the irises and daylilies today. I can't wait for there to be an actual lovely garden in the back yard! It'll be nice to look out the window and see something pretty, but I have to wait until things aren't going to be killed by frost. April maybe? Any thoughts anyone?

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