
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun Weekend

It's been a really fun weekend so far. On Friday I went to a Bible Study small group party at someone's house. It was really fun getting to know some new people that live in the area and plus, my small group won the game! Yesterday I went to a baby shower in Roanoke for one of the girls in Sunday School class. We played some games and chit chatted about having baby's and dealing with toddlers. It was really fun to hang out with other moms and mom's to be. Elizabeth is due around Colby's birthday, so it would be really fun if her baby and my baby had the same birthday. Oh, and there were 256 skittles in the bottle and I guessed 254...beat you Greg!

Today I want to a different church. It's actually the church I go to for Wednesday night bible study, so I know some people from the party on Friday and the bible study. It was really interesting because I was always taught that you dress up to go to church (my mother got really upset with me one time when I wore flip flops to church! :-) ), but this church is really informal and while a lot of people dressed up, a lot of people wore jeans too. The worship before the preachers message reminded me a little of a rock concert, but they were really good and it wasn't too loud. The message was really thought provoking too, so I think I may go back. I do however miss a good piano or organ solo, but over the years I've decided that it's the message that counts.

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