
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Worst dog owner on the planet - me.

I think I might be the worst dog owner on the planet. This morning I took Brandy from the back yard to the front porch so I could dry her off before she came inside since she was covered in snow. I wasn't thinking and I left the back gate open. Later I let her out into the back yard - I didn't close the gate. I didn't realize she was gone for hours! I went to Walmart, came back, posted some books on Amazon to sell, played with Colby and then finally realized she was gone because of my stupidity. I rode around the neighborhood, stood outside in the wind and called her, but finally I got cold and decided to call animal control (after I called Brandon in tears). Animal control had picked her up not far from our house and I can pick her up tomorrow...but still. I feel pretty rotten that, that happened in the first place. It won't happen again that's for sure. I can't take the emotional stress.

So, when Colby talks I can see his teeth now. My little boy is growing up :-( I had to buy him a baby toothbrush (it's a little bristley pad that goes over your finger) and some Orajel...hopefully he'll sleep better than he did last night with some pain relief. He went to bed at 7 and then woke up two hours later. He only wanted to be held, but eventually he fell asleep, but it took much patience on my part. Colby walked yesterday too. Brandon and I sat about five feet apart and took turns sending him to the other person and catching him on the way back. I know, I's not exactly walking when you seem like you're going to face plant at any second, but it was pretty exciting. Sometimes he stood between us keeping his balance like a big boy. I couldn't get him to step away from the loveseat today, though. I guess progress will be slow, but oh so fun to watch.

I haven't made snow cream yet...I don't have anyone to share it with since Colby can't eat it and Brandon's at work right now. I have all day tomorrow to work on it...I'm off again! Looks like it's the snow storm of 2009.

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