
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Highlights

Some awesome things from this weekend...

The veggies are planted!!

I caught up my old boss from the Blacksburg Aquatic Center on Saturday!!

I talked to my mom for like 2 hours today!!

I decided on a really awesome summer project (will discuss in later blogs)!!

I got Colby to go to bed with zero problem tonight!!

I cleaned off the dining room table - now it looks like a table and not a trash pile!!

I talked to Lindsey yesterday!!

I've read through chapter 3 in my summer class!!

Did I mention I got my veggies planted?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Two Front Teeth

Today, was a rainy, dreary day...just like the day before. I mean, rain is good, especially for the veggies I've planted, but I could use a little space between downpours. Plus my petunias look like crap with all these thunderstorms.

I'm excited that Brandon did the last box for the vegetable garden. It still needs to be filled up with dirt, but that can be done one night after Colby goes to bed. I'm going to get those other plants in there this weekend even if it kills me. I want fresh veggies this summer!!

Colby was really fussy today. I think his other front tooth is coming through. I think I'd be cranky too. He was pretty entertaining, though, when he wasn't fussing. He wanted to drink out of Brandon's water cup like a was cute :-)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Awesome weekend! It was great to hang out with my family and not worry about school for three days! I got my shelves building the spare bedroom closet. I have a funny story about that - I went and took the measurements for the shelves and then I went and grabbed the circular saw so that I could cut the board. Brandon looked at me and was like "what - are - you - doing?" I told him I was going to cut the shelves. He said absolutely not and that he'd cut them later. Ah, I'm so good at getting him to do things without nagging him to death!

I got the dirt into the raised garden and I planted tomatos, red and green peppers, onions and a cantalope. I'm still waiting for Brandon to make the other box so that I can plant the other veggies. I haven't figured out how to get him to do it without nagging. He trusts me with a drill, so grabbing that won't work. I also did weed the front flower bed so not it doesn't look like weed central.

We celebrated Katie's birthday on Sunday. On Monday Colby and I went to the park where he swung on the swing for the first time. He seemed to have a good time. He was sort of fussy yesterday, so I'm uncertain how this summer is going to work. He seems to need a lot more attention now than when compared to last summer.

Friday, May 22, 2009


I got the topsoil sometime yesterday, so I'm really excited to start planting veggies. I'm also really excited that I have a three day weekend. My goals are as follows: 1. Plant veggies, 2. weed the front flower bed, 3. plant flowers in the front and back, 4. clean the house, 5. do something fun. I'm also excited about starting the Odyssey with my students - they're teaching the Odyssey to each other.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Top Soil

Okay, so I didn't really think it would be that big of a deal to get a load of topsoil delivered to our house, but apparently it is. I called on Saturday and he said, "Well, we might be able to get it to you this afternoon." I said, "If not, Monday would be okay." Saturday came and went, no soil. Monday came and went, no soil. Called Tuesday, "Well, we might be able to bring it this afternoon." Left to go eat dinner and go to married's group, no soil. Sometime while we were eating dinner or at married's group, he swung by. I called first thing Wednesday morning. "Well I should be able to bring it this afternoon." I said, "Okay, I'll be home between 4 and 6:30." "Okay." Went to bible study at 7:00, no soil. Called on the way to bible study. He says, "Can I bring it in the morning?" "Sure, I leave at 7:30." "Okay, I'll bring it around 7:00." Leave for work, still no soil. I'm so ANNOYED because I REALLY needed to go grocery shopping yesterday, but I didn't to wait on this guy. So now, there's absolutely NOTHING to eat in our house AND I don't have topsoil! If it's not there by the time I get home, I'm calling someone else because I think I've been more than patient.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Goals for the Summer

Last night Brandon and I went to couples bible study and we came up with some goals for the summer. I'm going to publish them here so that people can look at them and maybe ask how they're going.

1. Communication - have more days when we just talk about random stuff (the other night we stayed up until midnight talking about this, that and the other and in the morning I felt closer to Brandon than I had in a while)

2. Activities - spend more time doing activities together like gardening, walking, date nights

3. Colby's Health - get Brandon more involved in blood testing, phe calculating and feeding Colby

I confess we should have added another goal - equal partnership on the house upkeep. I don't understand how someone could spend two whole days at home without a child and not do ANYTHING. He didn't even take out the trash yesterday to get picked up. It irritates me to no end that he can just sit around and watch Fantasia (an excellent movie, I know!) all day. Maybe he thinks Mickey will magically clean our house too!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Toys and Tots

Sunday was much better than the day before when it came to Colby's eating habits. I offered him things he liked okay and then offered him things that he REALLY liked, which made things go better. He was really funny at Brandon's parents' house. They have one of those little popper/push toys. At first he just carried it around, but then he figured out how to roll it and get it to pop. He started getting frustrated with it though, because he didn't know how to turn it. He would run into things, fall and start to fuss so we eventually had to put it away.

I called to get a load of topsoil delivered from our vegetable garden endeavor. It's supposed to be there today, so I went ahead and bought some vegetables and some seeds so that when we're ready we'll be good to go. I'm really excited about growing veggies!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Picky Eater in the House

I'm seeing signs this weekend of Colby becoming a picky eater. Last weekend he ate pineapple and cheese bread and love it. Yesterday, the whole plate with pineapple and bread when on the floor. My anger level spiked when I heard it hit the floor. He wanted more carrots (not that there's anything wrong with that) but I wanted him to eat some other things with those carrots. He cried for a little bit after he dropped his plate and then when I was ready I popped open another can of carrots. While he ate those I invited Brandy in to clean up the mess. She's like a little hoover vacuum when it comes to food. I wasn't sure if she'd eat the pineapple, but she licked it right up. I know it's not that great to give dogs people food...but oh well!

I'm thinking about renting a house this summer in Corolla...I wonder if anyone else is interested in going?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Teeth! Teeth :-(

Colby has been pretty fussy these last couple of days and I finally figured out why. His top teeth are coming in. I feel bad about the timing of switching from bottle to sippy cup - not only can he not have his comfort object (the bottle) his mouth hurts from cutting teeth! It'll be pretty cool when we has more teeth, but getting there is painful for Colby and me!

Well, the back yard looks like it should, a well manicured lawn. Brandon spent the day mowing and weed eating and building one of the raised beds for a vegetable garden. I'm going to have dirt delivered sometime soon so that we can plant the veggies before it's too late. Brandon also pulled up those dead bushes so I'm going to plant those flowers tonight after Colby goes to bed. Fun times!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sippy Cup Woes

At our house, Colby is off the bottle, but yesterday was the first day of daycare being off the bottle and it didn't go so well. He apparently didn't drink anything. He took the sippy cup, threw it and cried. He apparently doesn't understand that he's not getting a bottle again - ever. He'll eventually get the message. I'm sure it's hard for him to see other babies getting bottles and not being allowed to have one himself.

I fell asleep early last night. I was tired from the night before I guess. I'm glad to see that the sun is out this morning and it appears it will be sunny all day...not that it matters because I don't have windows, but at least I can think about how wonderful it will be to walk out the doors this afternoon.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Great Weekend!!

This past weekend we traveled to Hampton to visit my family. It was rough going because it was too long for Colby. We drove about two hours to Charlottesville so we could meet with the nutritionist and Doctor that sees Colby for his PKU. It seems like everything is going great. He's growing like he should and he's eating people food now and we'll be switching formula's soon. After getting a little worked up at the doctor we still had to drive about two more hours so he was pretty cranky by the time we got to Hampton. While we were there we worked on Colby getting rid of the bottle. He hasn't had a bottle since Friday so I'm crossing my fingers that they can survive on a sippy cup at daycare.

It was really nice to see my family and hang out at the house. It was a really wondeful weekend. On Saturday we took Colby to see the Fox Hill Days Parade. We put him in a little wagon and rolled him down the street to the parade. He loved it! He was like the energizer bunny on Saturday - he napped for maybe a half an hour and didn't go to bed until 8:30. But my parents got to enjoy taking him outside and walking him around in the grass. It was funny because he wasn't sure what the grass was and didn't want to put his feet down :-) They got to play with his toys with him and everything so a good time was had by all. I think my mom felt particularly awesome because she made some new foods for Colby to try which he really liked. He tried some low protein cheese, which he liked, plus some broccoli bites, which he snapped right up. The cheese was a little weird, but to someone used to eating normal cheese it tasted alright.

Colby wasn't as fussy on the way home, but we were glad to get home. He fussed last night a lot though...I think he was overtired. This morning he was all smiles, though I was tired from being up with a cough. Such is life.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Grass...I Mean Weeds

It was still raining this morning, but the sun is out as I type. I hope things get dried out enough for me to cut the grass. Brandon's cousin, Jamie, and Katie came over for dinner last night and I was a little embarressed by the state of our back yard and side yards. I was thinking we could start selling dandelion greens from our back yard by now.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Veggies and Travels

I'm tired of the rain...I want the sun to come out so that I can stop feeling so tired and we can cut the grass. Our yard looks like a rain forest and since we're not going to be in town this weekend, we need to do it during the week. I mean, I know we need rain, but geez...could we space it out a little?

Yesterday Colby stopped boycotting fruits and vegetables. He had pears and green beans! I think he's boycotting spoons though. If I try to give him baby food, he eats a bite and then starts fussing. Honestly I'm just trying to get rid of the baby food as it won't stay good forever, but he's decided he wants grown up food and baby food is for babies. I guess I'll have to find someone who has a small child so that the food doesn't go to waste.

I'm pumped about Friday. I have the day off to take Colby to the doctor in Charlottesville and then we're going to Hampton to visit my family. I saw my parents and sister last month for Colby's birthday, but I haven't seen my grandparents since January. It kind of bad timing at school to take a day off, because we're in the middle of Romeo and Juliet and my co-teacher is sort of worthless when it comes to Shakespeare. Whoever my sub is, is bound to not know Romeo and Juliet, so I think they're going to have a hard time slogging through it, but it has to be done. I'll just spend some extra time with Romeo and Juliet making notes. Yay!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crazy Kids

I've been trying to go to Once-upon-a-child in Christiansburg for three days now. Two of those days I made just before they closed, but I didn't want to be that person who kept them from closing on time so I didn't go in. One day I'll make it I suppose.

Brandon and I got to hang out last night for the first evening since Thursday. We were so totally silly. If a robber was listening in on our conversation they'd skip our house because they might just think we're crazy :-)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Just Like My Mommy

The weekend was a mixed bag of delights and frustrations. On the delightful side I got to spend a lot of time with Colby. He's still feeling kind of fussy because of his ear infection, but at least I can get him to laugh and smile. I made chocolate chip cookies, which was tasty, and I had lunch with Katie yesterday. I cleaned the kitchen (which wasn't joyful at the time, but it looks great now that it's done!) and I washed clothes (again, not a joy at the time, but it'll be a joy when I don't have to search for anything this week). My frustrations centered around my wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, frustrating husband (whom I love dearly). I have to say that I do all these things around the house because they need to be done. I don't necessarily enjoy doing them, but that's life and I don't need a pat on the back or any special recognition to do these things. But, when I suggest a small project (it involves cutting up a piece of plywood that we already have) I don't need my husband to off-handedly suggest that his time is too important for my silly project. It makes me crazy with anger to hear him say that. I decided I would do the project myself, after all, my daddy taught me how to do use a circular saw as well as anybody. It was sort of humorous in then end because I realized just how much I was like my mother. I called to make sure I wasn't wrong for being frustrated and that husbands were jerks at times and she said "just do it yourself." :-)

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today I want to wash my car, but I think it's going to rain and it's not particularly warm outside so I decided not to. I also want to rearrage the guest bedroom, but I have something things I need to do first to enhance our organization before I do. I also need to put some stuff up in the attic, but I'm waiting for Colby and Brandon to wake up. Basically, I have things I want to do, but my hands are tied.

Colby seems to still be feeling bad. He's been pulling at his ears more and he goes from laughing hysterically one second to crying the next. He's taken two naps today so far, which is weird for him, and his appetite is not normal. He squished his peas, refused sweet pototes, refused mandarin oranges, refused green beans, hasn't finished his cheerios from this morning and only had half a container of pears. I was really frustrated by lunch time. Plus, I'm so unhappy when Brandon is on night shift, I feel like I never see him, which I don't because he sleeps all day and works all night. Sometimes I wish he'd just have become a teacher so we'd have similar schedules and be able to see each other for a decent amount of time.