
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Top Soil

Okay, so I didn't really think it would be that big of a deal to get a load of topsoil delivered to our house, but apparently it is. I called on Saturday and he said, "Well, we might be able to get it to you this afternoon." I said, "If not, Monday would be okay." Saturday came and went, no soil. Monday came and went, no soil. Called Tuesday, "Well, we might be able to bring it this afternoon." Left to go eat dinner and go to married's group, no soil. Sometime while we were eating dinner or at married's group, he swung by. I called first thing Wednesday morning. "Well I should be able to bring it this afternoon." I said, "Okay, I'll be home between 4 and 6:30." "Okay." Went to bible study at 7:00, no soil. Called on the way to bible study. He says, "Can I bring it in the morning?" "Sure, I leave at 7:30." "Okay, I'll bring it around 7:00." Leave for work, still no soil. I'm so ANNOYED because I REALLY needed to go grocery shopping yesterday, but I didn't to wait on this guy. So now, there's absolutely NOTHING to eat in our house AND I don't have topsoil! If it's not there by the time I get home, I'm calling someone else because I think I've been more than patient.

1 comment:

  1. You know you can rent a tiller from like Aztec and it would save you the whole fiasco...just a thought.
