
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Awesome weekend! It was great to hang out with my family and not worry about school for three days! I got my shelves building the spare bedroom closet. I have a funny story about that - I went and took the measurements for the shelves and then I went and grabbed the circular saw so that I could cut the board. Brandon looked at me and was like "what - are - you - doing?" I told him I was going to cut the shelves. He said absolutely not and that he'd cut them later. Ah, I'm so good at getting him to do things without nagging him to death!

I got the dirt into the raised garden and I planted tomatos, red and green peppers, onions and a cantalope. I'm still waiting for Brandon to make the other box so that I can plant the other veggies. I haven't figured out how to get him to do it without nagging. He trusts me with a drill, so grabbing that won't work. I also did weed the front flower bed so not it doesn't look like weed central.

We celebrated Katie's birthday on Sunday. On Monday Colby and I went to the park where he swung on the swing for the first time. He seemed to have a good time. He was sort of fussy yesterday, so I'm uncertain how this summer is going to work. He seems to need a lot more attention now than when compared to last summer.

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