
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Great Weekend!!

This past weekend we traveled to Hampton to visit my family. It was rough going because it was too long for Colby. We drove about two hours to Charlottesville so we could meet with the nutritionist and Doctor that sees Colby for his PKU. It seems like everything is going great. He's growing like he should and he's eating people food now and we'll be switching formula's soon. After getting a little worked up at the doctor we still had to drive about two more hours so he was pretty cranky by the time we got to Hampton. While we were there we worked on Colby getting rid of the bottle. He hasn't had a bottle since Friday so I'm crossing my fingers that they can survive on a sippy cup at daycare.

It was really nice to see my family and hang out at the house. It was a really wondeful weekend. On Saturday we took Colby to see the Fox Hill Days Parade. We put him in a little wagon and rolled him down the street to the parade. He loved it! He was like the energizer bunny on Saturday - he napped for maybe a half an hour and didn't go to bed until 8:30. But my parents got to enjoy taking him outside and walking him around in the grass. It was funny because he wasn't sure what the grass was and didn't want to put his feet down :-) They got to play with his toys with him and everything so a good time was had by all. I think my mom felt particularly awesome because she made some new foods for Colby to try which he really liked. He tried some low protein cheese, which he liked, plus some broccoli bites, which he snapped right up. The cheese was a little weird, but to someone used to eating normal cheese it tasted alright.

Colby wasn't as fussy on the way home, but we were glad to get home. He fussed last night a lot though...I think he was overtired. This morning he was all smiles, though I was tired from being up with a cough. Such is life.

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