
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Barnes and Noble Adventure

I have to say that usually Colby is great in public. We almost never have meltdowns at Walmart or restaurants, but today was different. We went to Barnes and Noble, which is normally his favorite place because he can run around the isles and it doesn't normally bother anybody. He doesn't mess with the books so I'm content to follow him around and do some browsing at lightening speeds. Today Colby found the Thomas the Train toys in the kids section. They leave it out for kids to play with. I was perfectly content to let him play for a while, but then he started getting frustrated with them and throwing them so I was going to take him somewhere else in the store and let him run around, but he started screaming. I think I should get the mom of the year award because I just calmly picked him up, carried him wailing through the store right out to the car. We then went home where we went for a peaceful walk around the neighborhood to enjoy the weather. I had other things I wanted to do while I was out, but I'll be darned if I take a cranky baby anywhere else after the show in Barnes and Noble.

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