
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Job Worries

Today I went to a meeting about the school budget. It made me really nervous. It seems like they're definately going to make personell cuts starting with people on provisional licences (that's not me), moving on to annual contract people (not me either) and then based on seniority (an issue for me because I only have two years). The issue for me is if they decide to consolidate the middle schools, which it seemed likely, they would try to keep teachers with a higher seniority if they are certified to teach other things. So a middle school teacher who is certified in English with 20 years experience can be placed at the high school and bump someone like me out. It made me very upset, but I felt better when I got home and Brandon had made dinner.

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