
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Carter's Two-month Check-up

Today I took Carter to his two month doctor's appointment. He had to get three shots and an oral vaccine :-( The poor guy cried and cried and when we got home we had to give him some tylenol to make him feel better. Other than that, the doctor said he looked good. He had some dry skin on his scalp and forehead that the doctor said was excema (no wonder since I have it) so I've been using some hydrocorizone and baby oil to make it look and feel better. I hope it goes away soon - I've been thinking people would look at it and think we weren't bathing the kid, but I assure you we have been!

Yesterday I went to the Homeplace to celebrate my mother-in-laws birthday (Happy Birthday Elaine!). If you've ever been to the Homeplace, you know this is not a good place to stay on a diet - any diet. It is a family style restaurant where the bring huge bowls of mashed potatoes, green beens, fried chicken, roast beef, country ham, apples and buiscits followed by a dessert of fruit cobbler a-la-mode. I could eat a whole bowl of mashed potatoes by myself on a normal day! But I restrained myself. I had green beans (which are very tastey!), roast beef and skinless chicken. Plus I brought a salad and strawberries to go with it (yes, I know it's tacky, but necessary since you can't ORDER a salad). As a reward, I was down three pounds this morning and still in ketosis! So far I have lost nine pounds and I haven't even made it a week! Yay me! I have to say that it's also getting easier. I'm more focused on what I CAN have and less focused on what I CAN'T have. I say this now, but I have a feeling that when school starts, this is going to be a lot more difficult...

1 comment:

  1. 9 pounds in a week?! I can't imagine how anyone could do that, but congratulations because YOU DID IT!! I am super impressed!!
