
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, July 13, 2012

No Wonder...

I occasionally read articles about why poor people don't eat very healthfully and today I found my answer - eating fresh foods is expensive! I went to walmart and spent approximately $90 on healthy fruits, veggies, and chicken, got less bulk than I normally do, and spent more! Heck yes it's cheaper to eat at McDonalds and probably tastier too unless one knows how to cook said fruits and veggies properly. At any rate I hope that the money I spent will keep me on track to lose more weight. When I weighed this morning, I had lost four pounds, though, I think it was mostly water weight from retaining fluids from eating badly early this week. Tomorrow I'm going to try my hand at making home-made whipped cream with diet-approved sweeteners so that I'll feel like I'm satisfying my sweet tooth just a little :-)

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