
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So one of the things I need to do better at is exercising. Back when I was in high school I took dance lessons and played softball so much that I barely had and time for anything else. Now I chase kids around the house, clean and garden, which is a big difference and part of the reason why I need to lose weight. I feel like I don't have time to exercise because of the kids, but I think I'm just making excuses, but not today - today I loaded up Colby's bike and we went to one of the local trails and he rode his bike while I pushed Carter in the stroller. It was pretty sticky and hot (next time I'll bring water!) but it was pleasant and it was good for getting rid of some of Colby's endless supply of energy. I think on evenings after dinner if the weather is good, we'll do this again. It's not hard, I just need to DO it.

Wish for Today: That things that taste so good - ice cream, cake, pizza, chocolate - weren't so bad for you :-)

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