
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fussy Yesterday, Fine Today, Go Figure

Yesterday I didn't make a blog post because Carter was far too fussy for me to have time. For some reason he had his diaper in a twist (not litterally!) and would not go to sleep for any length of time beyond a doze yesterday. He would cry, I would feed him, he would doze and then start crying again. I'm not sure why this was the case, but today he seems fine. He slept a bunch this morning and is taking a good nap as I type (quickly!). Maybe he was having a little growth spurt and just wanted to eat. Who knows?!

I got this itch lately to rearrange the living room. It's a super small room, so there's not many options, but I want to. I'm thinking of dismanteling the pack-and-play to move the loveseat around and moving the coffee table out of the middle of the floor so Colby can be his rambunctious self without kicking it half the day. I don't know, though...rearranging requires cleaning :-) I think once I get started I can do it and do it well...sort of like me tackling the front flower bed earlier this week. Once I got going, I pulled out all sorts of dead and dying flowers and weeds. Speaking of flowers - I went to Lowes yesterday and bought some plants for the back patio area, but I also discovered they are having a summer sale and I want to go back today or tomorrow for some plants for the front. All the perennials they are selling have already bloomed or are looking rather peaked, but they'll look fine next year!

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