
Here we are at the Virginia Tech Horticulture Gardens (Photo by Jenna Gill Photography)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Getting Started is the Hardest Part

So, I started my diet today. And wouldn't you know, I've been starving all day! But I spent $150 to get started so I'm damn well going to get started. The thing about the Weigh Station is that it works really well AFTER those first couple of days. Those first couple of days are like running a marathon up-hill. The first couple of days all you can eat is protein and water. I had eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast, a hamburger (no bun or veggies) for lunch, and marinaded chicken (no sides) for dinner. That's it. Once I get into ketosis (the process during which your body burns fat) I can add in some fruits and veggies, but it's adios to bread, sugar, and dairy products for the forseeable future. I think I'll be eating a LOT of salad because I can have unlimited quantities of it. I just have to be careful about dressing!

In other news, Brandon took that day off today...I was glad because I miss having him around. I got spoiled after Carter was born having Brandon around 24/7. It's much easier to not get stressed out when there's another adult in the house. Plus he makes me smile :-) Plus, Colby has gotten into this crazy habit of talking non-stop. And he repeats himself unless you reply so I'm stuck having these crazy, long conversations with a four year old. I love him dearly, but I don't want to spend my whole day telling him what various animals eat. "Momma, what do alligators eat? What do whales eat? What do..."

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